Iron Curtin

Iron Curtin

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Second Round

Well folks I didn't do too bad I only guessed wrong on two series so now we are off to round # 2  and this should be interesting so without further ado here are my 2nd round picks.

Philadelphia vs. Boston - A repeat from last year this series will be interesting Philadelphia has more talent; but lacks in the goaltending area, there penalty kill in the first round wasn't so good; but Bsoton wasn't exactly breaking down doors with their power play. With these two teams though they each have proven leaders in Prongor and Chara; but if I had to put my bottom dollar on this series and by no means am I homer Philly has too much talent and is hungry from last year Philly in 6

Washington vs. Tampa Bay - These two inter division rivals don't like each other too much on the other hand Tampa has a rookie coach whereas Washington has depth and experience Washington in 6

Detroit vs. San Jose - Ok Detroit made it this far they still ahve alot of talent; but they are older San Jose on the other hand has speed and Heatley the big question will be can Detroit still use it experience to push the Sharks out again or will San Jose finally reach that level that they have palyed for over the last few years I go with youth on this one San Jose in 7

Vancouver vs. Nashville - This series is a no brainer Nashville hasn't been this far they lack experience in palying at this level this far into the season and Vacouver is far more physical and if Luongo is on his game they shouldn't falter especially since they exorcised there past by putting away Chicago I say Vancouver in 5.

Well there you have it folks round two hope you enjoy

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