Iron Curtin

Iron Curtin

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does this surprise you

to retire. For strters does this surprise anyone? No it shouldn't this is the same guy to whom got caught just last year and served a 50 game suspension to which in my opinion isn't long enough for anyone to whom cheats within the game. Here isJust the other day we found out that Manny Rmirez retired from playing baseball his reason was because he was informed by major league baseball that he had tested positive for HGH so instead of taking a 100 game suspension as mandated by major league baseball he decided  my thoughts on this subject of performance enhancing drugs: First of all in the golden days with the greats of the game they didn't have performance enhancing drugs they played the game the pure way and those to whom I'm referring to are Ruth, Cobb, Wagner, Roberts, Feller, Williams and even Dimaggio these players didn't need this kind of performance enhancement to make them great they showed what they can do on the field day in and day out now today you have players to whom need to use performance enhancing drugs to become great and to me that is sad. I will say this and I truly beleive this if baseball wants to save their reputation and keep this game from becoming tarnished then what they need to do is ban any player caught using any perfomance enhancing drugs for life this will in my opinion deter these players from thinking twice about wanting to use these banned substances as for Manny goes he should've learned the first time obviously he didn't get the message.

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