Iron Curtin

Iron Curtin

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Being a fan

Being a fan means that you root for your team no matter what, whether they win or not you will always take up for that team. As for me I'am a die hard Philadelphia Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies fan now don't get me wrong I may live here in NC; but it doesn't mean that I don't follow any of the NC sports teams down here because I do as a matter of fact I follow all sports throughtout all areas; but I'am still loyal to the teams that I have followed as a kid growing up. So having said that I have to question the play of my Flyers of late this is a team that should have high expectations, and especailly since they went deep into the playoffs last year. Latley though I question their lack of performance, and as well motivation going into the playoffs as a matter of fact I will even go as far to question their committment to winning. I don't know about you; but in hockey a sport to which I played for over 35 years I can tell you that in order to win a championship you have to have strong goaltending and for years this team has failed to pick up a goal tender to whom can carry this team when they need a key save and as long as they don't have a clear # 1 goal tender to whom can pick up this team with that key save that can give them momemtum and without that they will never win the Stanley Cup. So with that no matter I will always bleed orange & black whether they win or lose they will always be my team.

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