Iron Curtin

Iron Curtin

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Second Round

Well folks I didn't do too bad I only guessed wrong on two series so now we are off to round # 2  and this should be interesting so without further ado here are my 2nd round picks.

Philadelphia vs. Boston - A repeat from last year this series will be interesting Philadelphia has more talent; but lacks in the goaltending area, there penalty kill in the first round wasn't so good; but Bsoton wasn't exactly breaking down doors with their power play. With these two teams though they each have proven leaders in Prongor and Chara; but if I had to put my bottom dollar on this series and by no means am I homer Philly has too much talent and is hungry from last year Philly in 6

Washington vs. Tampa Bay - These two inter division rivals don't like each other too much on the other hand Tampa has a rookie coach whereas Washington has depth and experience Washington in 6

Detroit vs. San Jose - Ok Detroit made it this far they still ahve alot of talent; but they are older San Jose on the other hand has speed and Heatley the big question will be can Detroit still use it experience to push the Sharks out again or will San Jose finally reach that level that they have palyed for over the last few years I go with youth on this one San Jose in 7

Vancouver vs. Nashville - This series is a no brainer Nashville hasn't been this far they lack experience in palying at this level this far into the season and Vacouver is far more physical and if Luongo is on his game they shouldn't falter especially since they exorcised there past by putting away Chicago I say Vancouver in 5.

Well there you have it folks round two hope you enjoy

Monday, April 25, 2011

Exciting playoffs

I have to tell all of you that at this point in time this years hockye playoffs have really been quite exciting; I mean the Blackhawks were down 3-0 and have roared back to tie the series, the Flyers have come back in a couple of their games and that series will be decided by a winner take all game of course whom would've thought though that the Predators would beat the Ducks. Oh and of course I have to mention about the hits, and man there have been plenty of them that is how you can tell that it is playoff time is when the hitting intensifiies, and great goaltending prevails that is real playoff hockey. I will say this time and time again the regular season doesn't mean a thing the real action starts once the playoffs start then the fun begins. Well for now I will stick with my first round picks and will pick my selections for the second round real soon.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Last night as I was watching the NHL plyaoffs particulary the Flyers-Buffalo matchup during the intermisssion they kept going for look ins at other playoff games from around the league, and the one game that has really caught my attention was the Tampa Bay - Pittsburgh series. During that game Chris Kunitz a player for the Pittsburgh Penguins delibertly landed an errant elbow to the head of Simon Gagne of Tampa Bay on the replays it clearly shows where Kunitz with much flagerance hits Gagne with his elbow right to his head to which could've caused a serious injury to a player to whom already has suffered conditions from previous concussions during his career, then there is Steve Downie this is the same player to whom a few years ago during the course of a game leaped up from his feet and slammed into a player subsequently getting 20 game suspension for his actions now last night this same player does basically the exact same thing and this time only gets a 1 game suspension, and Mr. Kunitz the same thing. I have to say this in all good conscience both of these players actions warrneted more then just a one game suspension and for the NHL to only hand out one game suspensions to each of these players for this type of behavior I truly think is ridiculous considering that the players to whom they hit could've suffered career ending injuries irregardless of what thier intent is or was their intent and reckless conduct is the same type of behavior that NHL doesn't want in the league and that is the head shots, and cheap shots that take place every night in every NHL city and the league needs to address this type of stuff more seriously moreso than it has.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Last night as I watching the Sharks & Kings do battle there was one hit during the course of this game that made me cringe. Jared Stoll of the Kings hit Ian White from behnd causing his head to hit the glass where the pane seperates to the two pieces of glass causing Ian White to crumple to the ground. Now I don't know about any of you; but I'am an avid fan of the game of hockey, and not just because I played the game as long as I did, and I like most fans enjoy seeing a good clean hit on an opponent; but these hits from behind targeting a players head needs to stop. Now on this particular play none of the officials saw this hit nor did any of them penalize Stoll for the hit that has caused this injury to Ian White to whom now will probably miss substantial playing time because of this hit. During my 35 year career I played the game hard, and I did my best to keep my hits clean; but I never went out of my way to target another players head nor did I intentionally hit a player from behind with such force that I would dilibertly hurt someone; but in today's game time & time again there are more and more of these types of hits and until the NHL takes measures to penalize these players with such force that they will get the message these types of hits will continue so I'am an avid believer in penalizing these guys with suspensions that will deter these types of hits that have caused several big name players to miss time dues to concussions, and myself having suffered a few concussions myself I can tell you that the lingering affects from a concussion can last a very long time so I say this to the NHL the time is now to act there should not be any delay and not just for the players safety; but for the integrity of the game as well.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What a blockhead

I read the news today where Kobe Bryant had used a slur against an official during a game, and that he was subsequnetly fined $100,000 for such a slur. I will say this I totally agree with the league on their stance to fine Kibe this amount of money, acutually though I truly think that he should've gotten suspended for a few games without pay so that in the future Mr. Bryant would think twice before making this type of statment, now I understand where he states that this was during the heat of the battle, and with the intensity of the game; but for him to make such an outlandish statement on a national tv game is totally disgraceful on his part, and for him to say that he said in the heat of the battle is ridiculous. Now he wants to appeal his fine, me personally he should keep his mouth shut, and pay the fine without hesitation I can tell you I played sports for a good part of my life and I would never in the heat of the moment make a derogatory statement like he did, and if I did I would certainly take my punishment like a man instead of whining about appealing it like he is. This is a different world that we live in today and we need to be more sensitive of others including gender, sexual orientation, and appearence among other things this is why diversity training is very important not only in the work place; but within the sports world as well hopefully Mr. Bryant will think about this the next time he wants to spout off at the mouth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does this surprise you

to retire. For strters does this surprise anyone? No it shouldn't this is the same guy to whom got caught just last year and served a 50 game suspension to which in my opinion isn't long enough for anyone to whom cheats within the game. Here isJust the other day we found out that Manny Rmirez retired from playing baseball his reason was because he was informed by major league baseball that he had tested positive for HGH so instead of taking a 100 game suspension as mandated by major league baseball he decided  my thoughts on this subject of performance enhancing drugs: First of all in the golden days with the greats of the game they didn't have performance enhancing drugs they played the game the pure way and those to whom I'm referring to are Ruth, Cobb, Wagner, Roberts, Feller, Williams and even Dimaggio these players didn't need this kind of performance enhancement to make them great they showed what they can do on the field day in and day out now today you have players to whom need to use performance enhancing drugs to become great and to me that is sad. I will say this and I truly beleive this if baseball wants to save their reputation and keep this game from becoming tarnished then what they need to do is ban any player caught using any perfomance enhancing drugs for life this will in my opinion deter these players from thinking twice about wanting to use these banned substances as for Manny goes he should've learned the first time obviously he didn't get the message.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The second season

Well now that the regular season is over in the NHL now we get down to business here in the second season which is the playoffs. As promised here are my picks for the upcoming playoffs.

Buffalo vs. Philadelphia  - This is going to be a tight matchup one in which I think can go either way; but I think that Philadelphia has way too much talent for Buffalo I see this series going 6 games with Philadelphia winning it.

NY vs. Washington - Washington learned things the hard way last year I truly don't see them making the same mistake twice Washington in 5.

Boston vs. Montreal - This series is going to be a war, these two teams don't like each other and from the way things have been this past season I don't see things any differently other then Boston is the more physical team Boston in 7.

Tampa Bay vs. Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh in all likelihood will be without Crosby. During the season they owned Tampa Bay this series I truly think will come down to goaltending and whichever coach can will there guys to win. Pittsburgh is the more seasoned team and Blysma knows how to coach in these situations so I see Pittsburgh in 6.

Chicago vs. Vancouver - This sereis intrigues me only because Chicago having won the cup last year and Vancouver winning the president's trophy this past year really to me isn't going to mean much I see an upset here Chicago in 6.

Detroit vs. Phoenix - A reapeat from last year with the same result Detroit is too veteren laden and has been there before Detroit in 6.

San Jose vs. Los Angeles - LA is without one it's top player in Kopitar so the dust will settle on this rather quickly LA is still young, and San Jose is experienced SanJose in 5.

Nashville vs. Anaheim - This series is interesting and could either way coach Trotz for Nashville has always found a way to get his team ready to play, and Aanaheim has some serious playmakers so I will go with the playmakers Anaheim in 6.

So there you have it my selections for the first round.....